Students use familiar vocabulary related to the classroom and home environment. They respond to imaginative experiences through miming, acting, and answering questions, and create and perform simple imaginative texts using familiar language and nonverbal forms of expression. They identify information and key words, such as names of people, for example, cô An, bạn Hải places, for example, trường, lớp or objects, for example, cái bàn and convey information about themselves and their family, friends and school using modelled sentences and illustrations. không?, and commands, for example, Đứng lên. When interacting, they use the sounds and tones of Vietnamese and distinguish between questions, such as Ai? Ở đâu? Khi nào? Có. They use modelled repetitive language when participating in games and shared activities, and interact in classroom routines by responding to questions, following instructions and asking for permission, for example, Dạ, em xong rồi. They introduce themselves and others, and express thanks, likes and dislikes, needs and wishes, for example, Tôi tên là Lan. National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressionsīy the end of Year 2, students interact with the teacher and peers through action related talk and play.

Simon Says Game VariationĬhange the name of the game to match your party theme! For example, rename the game from Simon Says to Princess Says for a princess themed party. As the saying goes, the more the merrier, although if you are handling parties with upwards of ten people, then you might want to include watchers into your game to ensure every player other than Simon is kept a close eye on. Yet, the ideal game contains at least five players, including Simon. One of the amazing things about Simon Says is that the game can be played with any size party. Alternatively, some versions of this game include “watchers”, specific individuals designated to watch players (other than Simon) to make sure they are only responding to when Simon says, as well as if they are doing the appropriate gesture called for by Simon.If the instructor began by saying “Simon says…” and you do the said gesture, then you’re fine and get to keep on playing! But, if you the command didn’t begin with “Simon says”, and/or you do the wrong gesture, you’re out! It is key to note that you’re only out if Simon catches you. This is where the listening component comes in.Simon will give directions to the players by either saying “Simon says do ”, or by saying “do ”.For this game, you’ll want to designate one player as “Simon”, also referred to as the instructor.
Simon says requires no materials other than a group of friends, family, and other spontaneous individuals who want to have a great time together partaking in this outdoor activity! How To Play Simon Says Not to worry though, this fun outdoors activity is not at all as serious at its original Roman origins, but just as iconic! Materials It was originally known as “cicero dicit fac hoc”, which was Latin for “Cicero says do this.” At the time, Cicero was a statesman of Rome, and his political word was law, and therefore must be obeyed at all cost. The game also has a historical connotation too as it dates all the way back to the Roman era. Not only is it fun, but it helps develop strong listening abilities, which is why it is used heavily throughout education programs for young children in the US and other countries in the world. Simon says is a great classic game to play with people of all ages. Simon says: “learn how to play Simon says!” If you don’t yet fully comprehend this fun family outdoors game, then by the time you finish this game tutorial, we can assure you that you’ll understand the former joke.