Red transistor
Red transistor

red transistor

red transistor

Draw a picture showing 3 things pregnant women can do to prevent maternal mortality.List the Millennium Development Goals? (7 – 8 year olds).Draw a girl in a Fulani outfit ( 4 – 6 year olds).Read the story above and answer the questions below: Learn more about the 7 th Millennium Development Goal here:.The subject of this story is the Millennium Development Goal of improving maternal health.

Red transistor how to#

Young readers learn how to prevent maternal mortality and improve maternal health by making sure pregnant women frequent antenatal clinics, eat balanced diets and have their babies in hospitals. It also does this in the most peculiar yet fun way, using the story of a radio. It takes an important and very adult subject and breaks into tiny nuggets, making it easy for young readers to digest. UP: It emphasizes the Millennium Development Goal of improving maternal health. Read the book to find out how the red transistor radio made Khalida and how its story made her famous! So Khalida asked her parents how the radio made her. Khalida didn’t think much of her aunt’s response until she was given an assignment in school to write a story about something unusual that happened to her. “… that radio is special … it has made many things happen, including you, Khalida” Her aunty gave her the weirdest answer ever. “Mama … Why do you listen to this radio all day? It’s very annoying!” Khalida’s mummy had an old red transistor radio that she played ALL the time and Khalida was tired of hearing that radio. February is Millennium Development Goals Month

Red transistor